Geosoft's Target™ is essential geology software that simplifies the processing and visualization of subsurface drillhole and borehole data, enabling explorationists to better manage drill projects, from initial planning to the evaluation stage.
Create and recreate sections in minutes. Process thousands of drillholes at a time with ease. Generate professional-quality maps integrating geophysical, geochemical and geological information
Built on Geosoft's industry-leading Oasis montaj™ software, Target provides powerful spatial data mapping and processing capabilities. The Target software application can import and export data directly from the acQuire data management system, enabling you to verify and manage all your drillhole project data. Its Geochemistry extension adds advanced geochemical analysis and QA capabilities as well as SEMplot (Scanning Electron Microscopy) geochemistry workflow to Target. SEMplot capabilities are essential to diamond explorers to learn more about the type, abundance and composition of kimberlite indicator minerals.